Package includes: � Model No. - Description � 3290CX - Standard Chassis Trolley Jack 3 Tonne � AK730 - Breaker Bar 1/2"Sq Drive 600mm � MG796L - Mechanic's Gloves Padded Palm - Large � AS3R - Axle Stands (Pair) 3 Tonne Capacity per Stand - Red � VS8573 - Mechanic's Kneeling Mat EVA 28mm
Package includes:
Model No. - Description
3290CX - Standard Chassis Trolley Jack 3 Tonne
AK730 - Breaker Bar 1/2"Sq Drive 600mm
MG796L - Mechanic's Gloves Padded Palm - Large
AS3R - Axle Stands (Pair) 3 Tonne Capacity per Stand - Red
VS8573 - Mechanic's Kneeling Mat EVA 28mm
You may also refer to the individual Model No. for full specification.